Mayor's Message: Promises made, promises kept


This Mayor’s Message originally ran in the Marana News/Explorer News.

Construction of the new Marana Police Facility has reached completion at the Marana Municipal Complex, and last month celebrated its grand opening. This project is a perfect example of local government delivering exactly what was promised to the constituents. This new police facility was built debt-free thanks to a temporary half cent sales tax that will be repealed on January 1, 2019.

Our police department and community can now welcome a state-of-the-art facility that will further support our Marana Police Department’s mission of unparalled service, unwavering protection and uncompromised integrity.


The increase went into effect with full community support on July 2015 after nearly a year of public outreach and research. Marana Police Chief Terry Rozema, senior staff, and Town Council members met with local residents and business leaders to garner the necessary support to build the project, including public meetings, direct business outreach, media interviews, survey cards, and open houses to show the need for the new facility. As Marana continues to grow and our police department expands, the existing facilities within the Marana Municipal Complex and at the Marana Operation Center were no longer meeting the safety needs of a responsive law enforcement agency.

Marana residents and businesses overwhelmingly supported the project and the use of a temporary sales tax increase as its funding source. They trusted us to implement and repeal the tax, as well as to use the money for what we said it was for. We did just that. In December we will collect the final portion of the $18,000,000 needed to build the police facility, and Marana Town Council has already instructed Town staff to lower the sales tax at the start of the new year. Per the original resolution, every dime raised went into a fund to pay specifically for the facility, including design, construction, and furniture. 

Our citizens and business leaders supported the project because of the great relationship our police department has forged with the community. The Marana Police Department has earned the trust and respect of Marana and the public was all too happy to endorse the project.

We made a promise to the people of Marana, and we kept that promise. With this new facility, you can be rest assured that our Marana Police Department will continue to provide great service to the community, and is now equipped to keep Marana safe as our Town moves into the future.  

Ed Honea is the Mayor of the Town of Marana