We have used what we have heard from you and your neighbors over the past 18 months to develop the Draft Marana Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Thank you to everyone who shared their input and ideas during this process! Your input helped shape the draft TMP.

Now, we are asking for one final review prior to council approval in August!  Click a link below to read the different chapters of the report and submit your comments below. Comments must be submitted by August 2, 2024, to be included in the final review.


Building on the recently adopted General Plan, Marana is launching a townwide visionary transportation study to create a transportation plan that reflects the evolving needs of our community.

Marana is changing – more people and businesses are moving here every day, new parks and trails are being created, and the mobility needs of our residents are increasing. To continue to provide our residents, visitors, and businesses with a transportation network that works for their distinct needs, we need to face our transportation future now. Ultimately, the Marana Transportation Master Plan will develop an action-oriented plan to guide transportation investments (including streets, walking and biking facilities, public transportation, and goods movement) for the next 25 years.





Why are we updating the Transportation Master Plan?

As our town continues to grow and evolve, now is the time to review our current transportation system and develop a plan to ensure an efficient, accessible, safe, and well-connected network for all users. The Marana Transportation Master Plan will develop a 20-year vision for the Town’s multimodal transportation network and will consider the needs of people who walk, bike, use a mobility device, use public transportation, drive, and deliver goods and services throughout Marana. Ultimately, the Transportation Master Plan will develop a prioritized list of transportation improvements and policies that will drive future funding decisions.

What does the Transportation Master Plan include?

The development of the Transportation Master Plan starts with reviewing the current transportation system and developing a vision for what the Town’s transportation system should look like in the future. The Transportation Master Plan reviews best practices and considers emerging trends to identify gaps in the system and future travel needs. As part of this planning process we will:

  • Explore how to develop transportation networks for all users – drivers, transit riders, freight drivers, trail users, walkers, and bicyclists.

  • Predict how well the transportation system will work in the future and suggest improvements.

  • Examine and rethink the design of our streets to prioritize moving people and goods more efficiently and safely.

  • Establish goals and policies to guide decision-making.

  • Develop a prioritized list of transportation projects.

Does the Transportation Master Plan include transportation outside of the Town of Marana?

The Transportation Master Plan will focus primarily on improvements to the transportation system within the Town. There will be considerations made, however, to advancing transportation options and connectivity to neighboring communities and areas.